Monday, January 30, 2017

Below are the opportunities and experience in enrolling to an Australian Institute:

International Opportunities

You should study in Australia because it has vibrant multicultural cities, has an International reputation for academic excellence and offers cheaper living expenses compared to other countries. The Majority of the foreign students choose Australia because of its leading education system.  As a student, we want to have a quality education to lead us to better job opportunities. Kensington Institute of Australia is one of the outstanding Institutes, who offer International recognized courses.

KIA offers additional learning experience to all their students by conducting a one on one session through Skype it is 4 times a week and it's a 30 minute session, so whether you’re at your dormitory or in an out of town trip by the week you can still reach us. This is an addition to your normal study load and there is no additional fee payable as part of this service and this is exactly what sets us apart from others.

What is like to be in KIA?

There are many reasons why we choose to study in a college maybe to earn a degree or diploma or maybe your parents just want you to finish school but which of these reasons why you are enrolled? Professors, classmates and the University itself are the experiences you will gain. Being part of KIA is like being with family that has parents that guide their child in choosing the right decision and to prepare them for the real world after they graduate in this University. Discovering their skills, where are they good at so they can use it as their asset in competing with other graduates in applying at different companies.

Being in a college, the students can easily blend in with other students; by this chance, they can feel a sense of belongingness, so we are encouraging students to take advantage of being enrolled in KIA and be productive as they can. Join a school organization because this can help enhance their leadership skills and decision making. In making assignments, leading clubs and your social life, it is up to you on how you will balance this and this can help you on your time management skill. After you graduate you will notice that you are already well rounded and can be trusted with any task that you possibly assign.

Make the most of it while you are in the college, don’t miss a chance that you will say in the future that your college life is a waste. You must say that my college life Is a blast and you can share this experience to your workmate or maybe to your children, do anything that you want, believe that what you will desire is that you can surely acquire at the right patience and effort that you will exert.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Future is bright. When choice is right

 When building your dream career in different countries or just learning experience abroad to attain your goals when getting back to your homeland; One of your stepping stone is to have a Certificate III in English as additional language course which is offered at Kensington Institute of Australia. This will be your main edge to the path you aim, whether studying, working and can be both.

 Certificate III in EAL at Kensington Institute of Australia gives you the freedom to have the self-study hours manageable if you want to work at the same time.
You will be guided 7-hour class twice a week by an instructor to make sure that you’re not left behind.
The module includes 8 units covered with proficiency learning with an overview about the following:

  • Develop and document a learning plan and portfolio (unit code VU21323), a basic practical material that’s beneficial for the business goal to your employer or an introduction to a business course if you’re planning to go to college universities.
  • Unit code VU21466, discuss on how to give and respond to a variety of straightforward information and preparations, a necessary summary of gathering standards when preparing a record.
  • Read and write straightforward informational and instructional texts (unit code VU21468), the excellent way to impress an expert text production.
  • Unit code VU21467, will be about reading and writing straightforward presentations and Transactional documents, this will help you practice a proper pacing of approach

  • Read and write straightforward informational and Descriptive and Narrative texts (unit code VU21469) is an application to which you will know techniques of coherent text output.
  • Develop and use information literacy skills (unit code CULINL301A) will help you adjust to the multi-cultural world and to boost your confidence as an awesome representative of your race.
  • Use social media tools for collaboration and engagement (unit code ICAWEB201A) will guide you to make use of the trending strategy worldwide to help you on your chosen path.
  • Implement and review a project (unit code VU21354) will assess you to be prepared on the actuality of the whole course in the field of your chosen path. 
The purpose of the Certificate III qualification type is to qualify individuals who apply a wide range of knowledge and skills in different contexts to undertake skilled work and as a pathway for further learning.There are no pre-requisite requirements for individual units of competency yet as a qualifier and to ensure an appropriate learning opportunity, learners 18 years old to 40 years old would need to demonstrate a capacity to undertake study at a Certificate III level.This is to demonstrate a successful completion of Year 10 or the (international equivalent) level of study or mature aged entry and English proficiency level equivalent to ISLPR level 2, denote by 3.5/4/4.5 bands in IELTS or equivalent English language test.

Kensington Institute of Australia is excited to be part of your learning by grasping the steps as a milestone to reach your goal. Aside from Certificate III, Kensington Institute of Australia located in Collingwood, Victoria offers Certificate IV, the objective of the Certificate IV is to suit individuals who will get involved in a broad range of functional expertise. Diploma of Leadership and Management Advanced Diploma qualification type is to qualify individuals who apply specialized knowledge in a variety of circumstances to undertake advanced skilled or paraprofessional work and as a pathway for further learning. In which has an accessible campus at Epping, Victoria.

To learn in Australia will give you world class quality of education and substantial proficiency to suffice your profession while enjoying the healthy and happy environment.
Kensington Institute of Australia is ready and excited to help you prepare for the future!

Monday, January 23, 2017

IELTS Success needs preparation

What is IELTS and who are the people that take this test?
            IELTS stands for “International English Language Testing System and it is the most famous English language proficiency test for those people that wants to migrate, work, and study. It is recognized by different associations, governments, and educational institutions all over the world. IELTS test undergoes broad research and it is developed by a group of international experts to refrain from favoritism of country, lifestyle, and gender. Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking, these are the skills that you need to possess in order to qualify and it will be taken in a single day within 3 hours. The people that want to take this kind of test are those who want to work or study abroad.

How should you prepare for IELTS?
There are many free tutorials and videos that you can watch through online, and take the IELTS mock exams, after the application of IELTS you can log in to an online learning gateway and study under exam conditions. Practice sample question using the Official IELTS practice materials (there are two books available) which include sample responses of examiner commentary and there are also many IELTS preparation material that can be bought in bookshops and online. Increase your vocabulary through listening to the radio, reading magazines and watching movies because this can also help you improve English grammar. Practice a variety of accents, for example, the British accent, Australian accent, Canadian accent, American accent. Try to speak English when talking to a friend or family and reply to any messages also in English.

The wrong spelling wrong is also applicable in this exam so you must practice your spelling when you are in the listening part of the test because minor mistake will cost you a whole level, it is very important to practice also the linking words, phrases, and common English proverbs to gain more score on the essay writing part of the test. Have a strategy for every part of the IELTS. For instance, skim and underline catchphrases at the listening part, search for the point sentence in every passage of the reading part (unless you are a quick reader it is not advised to read the entire article) and try to search the reference to every question in the content, then read deliberately. Try not to waste your precious time in the exam thinking what to do first, bring your passport and National identity card. You must present the similar identification that you have given on your IELTS Application form for them to let you take the test.

Benefits of being an IELTS Passer

Persons that reach their target score can find a job easily that is in-line with their qualification. Today, companies greatly need staffs that can speak fluent English because companies abroad deal with different nationalities. Better Universities await for those students who have passed the IELTS test, different courses have their own standards on IELTS score requirements, the better the program you would choose, the higher IELTS score you must achieve. As a student applying for a particular program, it is best to aim high in taking the IELTS examination. A person that wants to take the IELTS test with no reason to work or study abroad will also be a good credential for them locally, there are companies that are highly impressed with this kind of quality of applicant who is good in communicating with people and it can give you a highly paid position in you’re a company. Reviewing for the IELTS is an ideal approach to get a high score in the examination. To help you achieve these target scores, enrolling in an IELTS review Centre would be a great advantage. IELTS review Centre precisely arranged modules and training plans that intend to enhance and build up one's skill for the IELTS. With this kind of preparation, one is guaranteed that their objective score on the IELTS test can be possibly achieved with just one take.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Seize Your Opportunities Down Under

Why choose Australia?

The third highest number of international students on the planet is Australia while US is the leading of the most expensive school in the world. Australia is the second placer on the highest paid school in the world but when we talk about the quality of the education they are the number one and the world highly recognized their degrees.  This isn't new to us, when you think about it Australia has eight of the main 100 colleges on the planet! International Development Program (IDP) offers you the chance to finish your goals and dreams of advanced education and study in Australia. Australia has the edge, it exceptionally teaches with a hunger for learning and research. Australia has a great impact on science and research through different kinds of discoveries, and global joint effort. Australia is placed close to Asia, one of the fastest developing countries, so it is bind to the most effective center on the planet.

How important is choosing the right University?

          Choose a University that offers your preferred course, know if they were able to produce good graduates and know if their alumni have been hired in-line with their taken course or not.

You also have to consider the facilities of the University, if the books of the library are reliable, if the equipment in laboratories is well maintained, and if the computers are updated for the students to use for the research. Lastly, know if their professors are equipped enough to teach, to make sure you’d be able to have a quality education. Choosing the right University is like choosing your future. Choose the right school, choose your future!

Is it worth it to spend a lot of money on your chosen University?

It is not necessary to be enrolled in an expensive University or in a top University to be successful in life; there are 3 recipes that can take you to success: risk, hard-work, and patience. Nevertheless, if you can afford to be enrolled in well-known University, why not? It is also an investment. An investment that will surely mold you into a well competitive person and the advantage of graduating in a recognized University is that you will be a prioritized in some companies. Whether we like it or not, there are companies that their basis of intelligence is the educational background which is your grade, certificates, and university. So if you have the opportunity to enroll in a superior University why don’t you grab it take and take a risk.

I plan. Therefore, I will.

Studying abroad is not an option to stand with just one snap or a plan in a blink of an eye.

There’s a need to research for the allotted budget or possibility for the scholarship application, considering to organize requirements and legality of migrating even if that will just for temporary or not.

Taking consideration of the expenses might be demotivating but you can always check for the exchange rates whether the amount will be convenient for the next step to money conversion.
I recommend having a tracker for monitoring rates of currencies just a backup support to know the amount of exchange once sending out money for your loved ones abroad.

 Inquiry about the modes of payment on regular establishments will also help you to manage a life in a more convenient way. This will be in purpose for emergency needs to pay whether you prefer debit cards or credit cards just in case when you’re out of cash. When opening an account abroad, you should be mindful of the transaction charges and policies. Be extra careful of hidden charges when money transfers are made and don’t make you card on a default. Terms and conditions may apply to foreign depositors.

In return for the effort to your perseverance, you will be experiencing great things that only limited races can take advantage but appreciated and dreamt by everybody. To grasp the best of what life could offer and adding more to that is quality education. Quality education by means of enhanced technology and competent educators provided with modern materials. Exposure to excellent service in education will help you manage task and practiced to be less stressful in the career you choose. Having the chance for the opportunity, you’re not only paying what you getting to have something for the first time but to invest on what will last for the best.

People were hyped for the thought of the United States of America being the utmost country who can provide the best of everything. You don't have to spend for something that you can still have, nothing less but paying less in Australia. In justification to the current standing of Australia, Once you will earn a degree, training, or at least a job experience will gain trust and credentials to other countries internationally. Normally termed by many as "cross-country". This means, an earned job description and education will be recognized equally in other countries.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Gap Year is not a barrier but an opening for a bright future

Everyone needs to take a break even in school that is why other students take a gap year. Gap year is a valuable break to study or work for the individual to pursue their other interest, a 12-month break to make a different line of work dissimilar to their regular life. This is some of the reason for the students why they have a gap year, students sometimes need a break to relax, refresh and recharge to be fully ready to take the new challenges when coming back to school. Next is they are not sure what course they will pursue. It is important that you know your interest before taking up courses, explore every option you have and discover your true interest. Some students take have to gap year to travel and learn cultures and traditions of other countries and learn their languages. They travel to have fun and experience new things that may inspire them and can help them choose the right career for them. Others want to discover and explore a new career, experience new opportunities that have come to their way. Sometimes they have gap years because they choose to work for a while to save money for their future goals or they have to work to help and support their family. Students who want to be more ready to face the reality in going to school, take a gap year to have tutorials in some areas of academics that they find themselves weak at. This will make them more refined when they go back to school.

Students who plan to study abroad after having a gap year if it is still acceptable, even if they have more than 12 months of a gap year. Mostly their questions are if they can still be able to get a student visa or are they still qualified to study abroad? Student visa gives you clearance to study outside of your country for a set period of time. You have to be enrolled formally to a registered institution to be able to get a student visa. Kensington Institute of Australia is one of the registered institutions in Australia located in Collingwood, Melbourne. At KIA it’s not an issue even if you have more gap study for more than a year as long as your documents are complete and you can justify your reasons for taking a gap year. You can have your student visa without having a problem because of the gap year, all you have to do is to be eligible to the criteria given by the institution. To study abroad is not an easy engagement, but a worthwhile journey to all of you who dream big. Kensington Institute of Australia will help you in the best way possible to achieve all your aims in life. Stop the gap now and be part of our growing community, a place where future leaders and successful individuals hone their skills to be more ready to face the challenges in life.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Study Abroad and Gain a Once in a Lifetime Experience with KIA

English is still one of the most spoken language in the world nowadays because most businessmen who deals in the international market use English as communication. The  majority of the students who desires to study English go abroad because studying abroad offers a unique opportunity to grow intellectually, professionally, and individually while going on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. Try not to miss the chance to travel, learn and explore. Let Kensington Institute of Australia be a part of your once in a lifetime journey. There are advantages and disadvantages which you may take to contemplate if studying abroad is the right thing for you.
Ø  Foreign Culture
While studying abroad, students will meet different people from diverse background and culture.  You will find exceptionally customs, good new food, traditions and social environment. You will partake in regular day to day life of new locality, gaining individual understanding and a new appreciation of the culture. This encounter makes another chance to learn, discover and expand your limits. This experience will provide an opportunity for international networking.
Ø  Independence
You are on your own in a foreign country and that makes you independent and resourceful in terms of solving issues and making important decisions that would in turn influence the student’s future.
Ø  Develop your language skills more efficient and effectively
Studying English in abroad is more effective and you will learn quicker compare at your home. The students will be familiar with English in the environment they meet frequently hear and forced them to communicate through the English language. Second, the teacher quality is important as aspects to learn.  Teacher in English speaking country has the best quality than in our home.

Ø  Lifetime Experience
While studying you can also experience to travel and explore the country. Learn with other people you encountered talk to them this will help in networking. Explore the unknown, engage in activities that may not offer in your home, try the native delicacies they offer and step up on your comfort zones. Your experience will be your learning foundation.
Though there are countless advantages of studying overseas there are also challenges that you might take consider deciding whether this is right for you:

Ø  Homesick
You are miles away from your family, friends and your home. Most of the student’s abroad experience homesick when they are away from their home. You may end up longing for the people you left back home, and the less adventurous you are, the greater extent an issue this can get to be.
Ø  It is expensive
Indeed it is quiet to study abroad considering the expenses and the difference of the currency it depends on which country you came from. But these expenses are all worth of your experience and learnings.
For those who wanted to study abroad and those who are seeking adventure, this opportunity is the best for you to do the both things you love. Learners who aspire to learn a foreign language or develop existing foreign language skills – and engage themselves in a new culture will also find it favorable.
Kensington Institute of Australia will take a part of your success offering the innovative way of education to students. KIA offers Certificate III & Certificate IV in its English courses. Also offering courses in Diploma of Leadership and Management and Advance Diploma of Leadership and Management.

Lastly, when studying abroad you must prepare yourself financially, emotionally and other aspects that should be consider to enjoy your stay in abroad. Don’t be afraid to take risks, study hard, work harder travel and more opportunity to come. Don’t forget to enjoy in every way in this Journey. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Travel to learn, Explore Australia

Why should you choose Australia?
          When we say Australia, the first thing that comes up to our mind is kangaroo’s and Koala’s but people must also know that Australia is the leader of Education. Other than being the third most popular place for global undergraduates to be listed aside for the other nation which is, for instance, the USA and it is a nation that initially talks in English. Australia is known as a cheerful civilian that welcomes different countries and gives a higher educational training. Australian degree and different types of certificates that can be enrolled in Australia are highly recognized by the Universities and Entrepreneurship all over the earth.

What can Australia offer you as a student?
           Australia can help you continue your study while living the experience; they support a student that is learning while studying at the same time, by this he/she can provide money for the living expenses by working part-time at the same time he\she can get also experience in her resume or bio-data. Student visa mostly allows you to work for 40 hours every 2 weeks while you are enrolled in the certain course. They also offer a scholarship for those International students that chose Australia to study.

Financial capacity to study in Australia
          They are using AU$ kind of money, the living and study costs there relies on upon the place and Universities you chose to stay. Yes, it will cost you big-time to force yourselves to train abroad but this also an investment so don’t think twice about investing in yourself because time will come there that all your expenses and effort will off, so someday, you'll claim and let yourself appreciate that I have established on the correct choice.

After graduating from a University in Australia what will happen next?

          After you will complete the course that you have taken, your student visa as well will also be no longer valid for a longer stay in Australia but there are many choices you may do after you graduate It’s either you will extend your student visa to continue your study and earn more high quality of education or apply for a working visa to continue working in your current employer during your study in Australia but it will a great and easier for you if the employer will sponsor you on applying for temporary or permanent visa in Department of Immigration and Border Protection’s (Employer Nomination Scheme).