Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Intermediate Guide to Handling Stress

What Is Failure?

Failure is the definition of insufficient success but the real definition of it really depends on you. Whether it is a big or small thing, it is still considered as a failure. We all make mistakes, and each mistake has own weight to be carried. There are times that we let ourselves down and especially those people that believe in us. Trying our hardest, doing our best and ending up with failure, really shakes your confidence and sting our ego. Frequently failure leaves a mark but it really doesn’t need to.

If experience will come into our life, the best way to defeat it is to look for ways to turn it into a success. There are many struggles in life that we may fail in achieving it, just don’t let them bring you down and kill your ambitions.

Handling Failure

No-one wants to fail – it is human nature. Everyone has the desire to be on the winning side of the team but the truth is, life is not a sequence of winnings, there will be a time you will end up losing on something you have so much effort. Success will be tastier if we have experienced failure in the first place, so handle defeat in a very good manner:

·         Change your mindset towards it – see it as a learning experience instead regretting that you haven’t tried or give your best. Consider everything that is happening has a lesson and reason whether it is bad or good. You may lose in the battle but the intention of winning the war during the battle is more than enough already.

·         Don’t live with it – the tough part is letting go when failure comes to our life but it is the right thing to do. We shouldn’t let it remain in our minds because it can make us depress and hard to move on. We should learn to accept that we can’t turn back time. There is no point on blaming someone, especially your own self. Learn to forgive, forget and focus instead on what will happen and not live in the past.

·         Don’t take it personal – just because you have experienced defeat or experienced failing, it doesn’t mean that you are on the wrong path of your life. Don’t let failure define you. The difference is how you handle, on what life throws at you. Tomorrow is another day to make-up on your mistakes that you have done and rise above. Everyone deserves a second chance to get things right and win in life. Best believe that.

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